How to add bling to your home with mirrors
How to add bling to your home with mirrors

How to add bling to your home with mirrors

Mirrors are an often under-appreciated design element in interior decorating. But a carefully selected mirror can act like a piece of artwork itself and strategically placed mirrors can really add a lot to your home. If your home needs some more bling, here are some tips you can try using mirrors.

Double the room

A nice, large mirror can essentially double the size of a room, at least it creates the illusion of more space. If you have a smaller space that feels very constraining, then a mirror can make that space seem larger. This effect is especially noticeable when the mirror is reflecting natural light so place it across from a window with the curtains thrown back and your home will look bigger than ever.

Cook with sparkle

Many homeowners avoid placing any mirrors in the kitchen because they attract grease and grime over time. But mirrors backsplashes are making a comeback and they can really add some shine and make the kitchen look very modern and sleek. A smoky, antique mirror in the kitchen is also a good choice since smudges don’t show up as easily.

Curate a collection

Think of mirrors as artwork. Just as you’d curate an art collection over time, you can do the same with mirrors. Collect mirrors that have frames of different styles, shapes, and sizes. Small mirrors, over-sized mirrors, modern mirrors, and antique mirrors, each makes a statement in its own way. Some homeowners will even display a collection of mirrors on a single wall like a kind of gallery wall but with mirrors instead of artwork or photographs. When hanging mirrors, follow the same rules as you would with art or photos. They should be hung at least 60 inches from the floor.

Head outside

Mirrors don’t just have to be limited to the indoors. You can hang mirrors on your deck or patio in the backyard as well. A mirror on your fence or wall can make your yard seem larger than it is. Mirrors in the backyard are fun for entertaining guests.

Be careful with the bedroom and bathroom

Everyone likes to have a mirror in the bedroom to look into when getting ready for the day. But limit the size of the mirror in the bedroom and bathroom. You want to be especially careful about what they’re reflecting. For instance, a mirror across from the toilet in your bathroom will make it seem like there are two toilets and that’s not what you want to emphasize about the bathroom. In the bedroom, you don’t want a mirror reflecting your dirty laundry basket.

Lighten your look

Dark walls, such as those in deep navy blue or charcoal are really popular right now in interior design but the dark, dense feel of such colors needs to be broken up. A mirror hung on a dark colored wall is a great pairing that creates a lot of visual interest and contrast.

Make it metal

If bling is what you’re after, then ditch the wood frames and go with mirrors trimmed in silver or gold. These are sure to add drama to any space in your home. Best of all, these mirrors will work with any color scheme and with any decorative theme unlike art which has to be very carefully selected.


Measure Your Baseboard Heaters

How to measure baseboard heaters:

Step 1

Always measure left to right, and twice for accuracy

Step 2 

Always measure left to right, and twice for accuracy

Step 3


Based on how your heater is configured,

choose an option below to expand and view

specific hot water baseboard heater measurement templates.

[+] Option 1: Straight Heater Configuration
[+] Option 2: L-Shape and U-Shape Configuration
[+] Option 3: 45 Degrees, Z-Shape Configuration


Now that you’ve learned how to measure baseboard heaters,

you’re ready to order.