Top Tips for Preparing Your Home for Fall
Top Tips for Preparing Your Home for Fall

Top Tips for Preparing Your Home for Fall

Fall is steadily approaching, and with it come the gorgeous, multicolored leaves; pumpkin-flavored snacks; and freezing weather. If you're scrambling to get ready, check out these top tips for preparing your home for fall.

Prepare for the Chilly Weather

Clean your furnace and baseboard heaters, and ensure they're in good, working order. If you have baseboard heat, consider giving them an upgrade. Baseboard heater covers made from galvanized steel are great for consistent heat. They’ll save you money on your utility bills and keep your home warm and toasty for longer.

If you have a programmable thermostat, get to reprogramming it. Set it to run exclusively while you're home—your home doesn’t need a constant stream of heat while you're out and about, unless you have other family members or pets that are susceptible to the cold. If you have a regular thermostat, determine when you'll switch on the heat. If the indoor temperature is bearable, avoid turning it on prematurely.

Lastly, clean your fireplace. Sweep it clean of dust and cobwebs, and scrub lingering soot from the walls. Don't forget to stock up on firewood, too. If you have a wood burning fireplace, you'll need it.

Switch to Fall Décor

Replace that bright, airy summer décor with some cool, calming, warm-toned pieces for fall. Swap out your thin, translucent drapes for heavier, darker, light-blocking curtains. Thicker, darker curtains are recommended for their ability to help insulate. They'll keep your rooms nice and toasty on those frigid winter nights.

Rearranging your furniture is another solid way to keep warm. Drag your most-used furniture away from windows and doors and settle them near a hearth or heater.

Bring out your thickest, warmest blankets; fuzziest pillows; and softest rugs. Update your interior with simpler details, too: take down the surfboards and other summer decorations, and replace them with pumpkins, holly, cinnamon-scented candles, and other fall-themed items.

Do Some Summer Cleaning

Another top tip for preparing your home for fall is to do a good, thorough end-of-summer cleaning. If you have carpets, vacuum and thoroughly wash them. Tidying your carpet will remove any lingering dust, odors, or summer pollens, leaving you with a clean, blank slate. As a bonus, your floors will smell great!

The debris left behind from dust, pollen, summer storms, and the recent falling of leaves can leave your windows looking less-than-ideal. Grab a bucket, a sponge, and some window cleaner—go to town, and polish your glass until it glimmers!

In the heat of summer, we're prone to overusing our fans. When we eventually stop using them, we're met with an unwanted sight: dust. Dig out your trusty duster, or brush and wipe off that built-up grime.

It's finally time to break out your boxes of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year décor—but you'll have to dig through the dust and cobwebs first. Make sure your garage, attic, and basement are dirt- and spider-free. If they're not, it’s time to get the broom.

EZSnap™ Covers is your go-to place for premade and custom baseboard heater covers. Contact us if you have questions about ordering the perfect custom piece.

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Measure Your Baseboard Heaters

How to measure baseboard heaters:

Step 1

Always measure left to right, and twice for accuracy

Step 2 

Always measure left to right, and twice for accuracy

Step 3


Based on how your heater is configured,

choose an option below to expand and view

specific hot water baseboard heater measurement templates.

[+] Option 1: Straight Heater Configuration
[+] Option 2: L-Shape and U-Shape Configuration
[+] Option 3: 45 Degrees, Z-Shape Configuration


Now that you’ve learned how to measure baseboard heaters,

you’re ready to order.