Efficient Ways To Use Your Baseboard Heating System
Efficient Ways To Use Your Baseboard Heating System

Efficient Ways To Use Your Baseboard Heating System

Everyone wants to feel comfortable at home, but constantly playing with the thermostat isn’t effective. Instead, try these efficient ways to use your baseboard heating system.

Keep It Running

You might feel like you’re doing the right thing by switching off your heater when the room is warm, but it can actually use more power to turn it off and on regularly. Constantly adjusting the settings will require more power, too. It’s better to keep your heater running at a low temperature.

Don’t Overdo It

Have you ever been so cold that you crank the thermostat several degrees higher than you need it? No judgment here, but there’s no point to it. The room won’t get warm any faster, but it will eventually overheat. Be patient and save the energy.

Clear the Area

Baseboard heaters rely on airflow to heat a room. Clutter can accumulate around the vents, but your décor may be part of the problem, too. Make sure there are at least two centimeters of space between your carpet and the heater. Keep your curtains at least four inches above it.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

The manual controls on a baseboard heater aren’t as accurate as a thermostat on the wall. Hot air rises and cold air sinks, so you can get a more precise reading from wall controls. As long as the thermostat isn’t mounted directly above the heater or in direct sunlight, you can see exactly how well the heater is working. Look into programmable models that can automatically change the settings.

Use Covers That Fit

One of the most efficient ways to use your baseboard heating system is to make sure that its protective cover is the right size. Measure the heating unit and work with a company like EZ Snap Covers that can cut custom baseboard heater covers. With hassle-free installation, the covers won’t obstruct airflow or heat. Even better, they’ll keep you from hurting yourself on sharp edges—and make the heater look fresh and modern. Take a look at the possibilities on our website and make better use of your system.

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Measure Your Baseboard Heaters

How to measure baseboard heaters:

Step 1

Always measure left to right, and twice for accuracy

Step 2 

Always measure left to right, and twice for accuracy

Step 3


Based on how your heater is configured,

choose an option below to expand and view

specific hot water baseboard heater measurement templates.

[+] Option 1: Straight Heater Configuration
[+] Option 2: L-Shape and U-Shape Configuration
[+] Option 3: 45 Degrees, Z-Shape Configuration


Now that you’ve learned how to measure baseboard heaters,

you’re ready to order.