Eight inexpensive ways to spice up your home’s interior design
Eight inexpensive ways to spice up your home’s interior design

Eight inexpensive ways to spice up your home’s interior design

Interior decorating can be expensive, especially if you choose to bring in a professional interior designer. But there are also plenty of easy, inexpensive interior decorating ideas that you can do all by yourself without a huge budget. Here are just eight ideas you can try.

Hang large mirrors on closet doors

Have sliding closet doors? Instead of just a plain closet door, hang a large mirror on it. Since mirrors reflect light, they can brighten up the space and also create the visual effect of more space then there really is. You’re not doing anything else with that space so turn it into one giant mirror.

Creative storage solutions for your bathroom

There’s never enough drawer and cabinet space in the bathroom so you may need to get creative to have places to put everything. The internet has a million ideas for DIY jar organizers that you can make and hang on your bathroom wall to free up some of that much needed storage space for other items.

Colorful curtains

Who said that curtains have to be a boring, neutral color? It’s true that you want to have a neutral color for a room’s foundation but the curtains are a great place to experiment with bolder, brighter colors since it’s not a big hassle to swap them out if you grow tired of them. Hanging new curtains is something any homeowner can do themselves in just a few minutes.

Unusual curtain rods

While you’re changing the curtains, you might as well swap out the curtain rods as well. Think outside the box. A quirky, unusual curtain rod displays your style and livens up the space.

Frame your television

Televisions are often the focal point of communal spaces such as the family room or multipurpose room. But when the TV is shut off, it can be an eye sore in an otherwise attractive space. A creative solution to this problem is to build or buy a frame that fits around the plastic frame of the TV. It will blend in more with the framed artwork and photographs that are hanging on that wall.

DIY canopy bed

Who didn’t grow up dreaming of what day having a canopy bed? They don’t have to be expensive or even store bought. You can transform a normal bed into a canopy bed quite easily by hanging curtain rods from the ceiling around your bed.

Paint the ceiling

The ceiling is the most overlooked part of any home’s interior since it’s up above and you don’t pay much attention to it. But people will notice it if you give it a coat of paint, especially if you go with a color that’s darker than the walls.

Install baseboard radiator covers

Have an older home that uses a baseboard heating system? You can transform a dated look to a more modern one in a matter of minutes by purchasing and installing baseboard radiator covers that simply snap into place.

Interior Decorating and Remodeling News Brought to You by EZSnapCovers.com

Source: AAJ TV

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Measure Your Baseboard Heaters

How to measure baseboard heaters:

Step 1

Always measure left to right, and twice for accuracy

Step 2 

Always measure left to right, and twice for accuracy

Step 3


Based on how your heater is configured,

choose an option below to expand and view

specific hot water baseboard heater measurement templates.

[+] Option 1: Straight Heater Configuration
[+] Option 2: L-Shape and U-Shape Configuration
[+] Option 3: 45 Degrees, Z-Shape Configuration


Now that you’ve learned how to measure baseboard heaters,

you’re ready to order.